How to Clean Your Keyboard Step by Step
May 5, 2023

Whether you’re a student, a business professional, or an avid gamer, your keyboard is a major part of your daily life. It’s where you type out assignments, and emails and even post comments online. But as much as you rely on it, how often do you clean it? Keyboards are full of germs and dirt that can lead to all sorts of health problems if left unchecked. In this blog post, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to properly clean your keyboard in order to maintain its health and performance. So let’s get started!

Unplug your keyboard

If you want to clean your keyboard, the first step is to unplug it. This will help to avoid any damage to the keyboard or your computer while you are cleaning. Once the keyboard is unplugged, you can start by dusting off the keys with a soft cloth. You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to remove any dirt and debris from the keys and from between the keys. If there are any stubborn stains on the keys, you can try cleaning them with a mild soap and water solution.

Use a can of compressed air to blow away any dust or debris

A can of compressed air is an essential tool for cleaning your keyboard. Dust and debris can accumulate over time, making it difficult to type or use your computer. By blowing away the dust and debris, you can keep your keyboard clean and functioning properly.

To use a can of compressed air, hold the can upright and aim the nozzle at the keyboard. Use short bursts of air to blow away any dust or debris. Be careful not to spray directly into the keys, as this could damage the keyboard. When finished, close the can and store it in a safe place.

Use a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol to clean the individual keys

Your keyboard will look clean with a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol. Follow these steps:

1. Turn off your computer.
2. Unplug the keyboard from the computer.
3. Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol.
4. With care, rub the cotton swab over each individual key on the keyboard.
5. Allow the keys to air dry before plugging the keyboard back into the computer.

Wipe down the rest of the keyboard with a damp cloth

Use a damp cloth to wipe down the rest of the keyboard. Be sure to get in between the keys and wipe away any dust or dirt that has accumulated.

Let the keyboard air dry completely before plugging it back in

It’s important to let your keyboard air dry completely before plugging it back in, as water can cause damage to the internals of the keyboard. If you’re in a hurry, you can use a hairdryer on the lowest setting to speed up the process.